Serving Seniors Alliance Co-operative provides trusted services to seniors and their families. We've done your homework on finding trusted and reliable service providers.
Our members provide a wide range of senior focused products and services as can be seen from our trusted members list. Most of our members make house calls.
Whether it is health care, fitness, financial, legal, educational or other if we either have a member who does it or can likely connect you to someone who does because of our connections.
If you are interested in providing a service or product not available from our members then contact us to learn how to become a Servings Seniors Alliance Co-operative member.
Through a close relationship with CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons) both nationally and provincially, Serving Seniors Alliance Co-operative members advocate on behalf of seniors to ensure seniors’ voices are heard.
We work together to create an age friendly culture locally as well as nationally. Our members and families understand that our positive impact will affect not just seniors, but their children and children’s children.
Our advocacy has included but is not limited to
• CARP Top 10 Advocacy Issues
• N.S. Pharmacare rates
• Health Care
Serving Seniors Alliance Co-operative members are available to give presentations, seminars and workshops to seniors' groups on such diverse topics as:
Fraud Prevention
Falls Prevention
Legal Issues: Living Wills, Power of Attorney & Health Directives
Reverse Mortgages: Friend or Foe?
Foot Health
...and more!
If you need an opinion on current senior issues for an interview or a presenter for your organization, then check out the list of topics our Members are available to speak about.
Please visit our Expertise Page to see the wide range of topics our members would be happy to present upon request and take a chance to view all the presentations currently scheduled throughout the community.